Well, I'm in trouble, Ha ha!
The power on all the outlets on the first floor blew out yesterday. No one knows why exactly. The only theory that works is that the circuts got overloaded somehow. The real puzzle was that, despite that, the ceiling lights were still working! To make matters worst, the outlets were somehow connected to the thermostat, so there was no heat for the night. The house wound up going down from 70 degrees to nearly 40, so it was a rought night.
After a lot of time and effort from an electrician (Donations through PayPal to help me out are accepted! luvataciousskull@yahoo.com, my friends!), it was discovered that a small part of the problem was the Circuit Breaker. After going out and buying some new ones (about 2), we got the heat back on, but the power in the dining room and kitchen is still out. There's only a few rooms in the house, and they're still on.
With some more digging, we discovered that the idiotic, incompetent person who worked on the electric 2-3 years ago when we started another remodling project had too much going from one circuit, so that means.... yep, rewiring needs to be done (again, donations through PayPal are Gladly Accepted!) from the bathroom. Then we still have to get th power back on in the other two rooms. No one knows how to fix it, so another expert is going to come over soon.