Sunday, June 29, 2008

Obama: "I Support [Spying on Americans]"

Obama has endorsed FISA. He has voted in favor of allowing the Telecom companies immunity and his justification is "Well, I'll fix it when I'm elected." You know what? Bashing be damned, here's his own words:
“It is not all that I would want,” Obama said of the legislation, which was negotiated by congressional leaders of both parties. “But given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence-collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise but do so with a firm pledge that, as president, I will carefully monitor the program, review the report by the inspectors general and work with the Congress to take any additional steps I deem necessary to protect the lives - and the liberty - of the American people.

Look, saying "When I'm President" is great and all, but using that bit of pompousness to justify a REALLY bad vote, one that he could have influenced and to have it fail in the Senate, shows that he's just going to let things slide until they become a problem. He said he wouldn't vote for this and he wound up flip-flopping on this. It really speaks more to his own personal ignorance that he think he can simply "fix it later," like he's so sure he's going to win the race and do it when he's president. What if he doesn't? What if he can't?

The Dem's folded like a house of cards again to the Republicans, and it's getting sad and scary to see this happen time and time again. We voted for these folks to stand up for us, not to allow Bush and his cronies to keep providing us with a good does of "Fuck the American People".

Here's the real problem with this: It isn't just the fact he did this once, it's about his mentality about the issue and how he will act if he's elected. He basically said, "Fuck this, I'll do this later! 81% of my base basically love me, they're not going to let this spoil it for them!" How is he going to handle something new like this in office? Is he just going to let it go and handle it later?

Let's stop and look at all this for a second, OK? Obama has a history of letting things go until they're a problem!

Want a list?

Rev. Wright - Let him stay until the media called him out on it.
His Church - Stayed as a member until he got called out on that.
FISA - Against it until now.

How many staff members has he had that said horrible things and they weren't fired, but they resigned? He doesn't take control of problems, he just sits back and waits for them to be solved, waits for them to fix themselves! FUCK THAT! No, this is what he does, he does it time and time again, and anyone supporting him DOES need to realize that! What, if he had a staffer that openly said white people suck and that America deserves terrorist attacks, shouldn't he just fire that idiot?

He let's things go until later, when they are a problem. It's becoming more and more of a theme, and I honestly can't back him for this stuff.

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