Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gizmodo, io9, and entire GAWKER Network's new Beta Design!

I was trying to get to io9 earlier and was greeted with this:

Same for Gawker:

So it looks like they've decided to re-design all their sites to this new format. My 2 cents? I LIKE THE OLD ONE!

EDIT: Turns out they're already live. Damn. I thought I had a scoop... well, the new design SUCKS!!!


Anonymous said...

Try reading the site on a tablet. I have a rooted color nook and it takes 45 seconds to load each page now. It was awesome before. now it is un usable/

Anonymous said...

Yep, it needs to go back to the old design.

Anonymous said...

definatly takes forever to load now. hate it.

Anonymous said...

It's disgusting. I'm looking for another group of sites. It sucks, the Gawker umbrella met my interests so well.

Anonymous said...

It really does suck. Oh well.

Unknown said...

The new design truly sucks, and it is not just my opinion of the layout. It is actually non functional. When I use my mouse wheel to scroll through the article link box on the right side, the entire field vanishes from view.

Anonymous said...

Am a longtime Gawker/Gizmodo reader.
I googled "new gizmodo design sucks" which brought me here.
I can't comment at Gawker because on a new MBP with Turbo Roadrunner, the sight was STILL LOADING after minutes. And sporadic reattempts.
It did load on the iPhone4, but is lousy to read with that device. The old design was a breeze.
This Gawker design change is the worst website change I've ever encountered.

Ihar Filipau said...

Yes, new design sucks.

Old sucked less. It was rough on edges and main page hard to read. Now, main page is equally unreadable but the articles themselves too.

Why they feel the urge to screw around with designs? And where they got the clowns who came up with it??

I personally prefer bare functional style, where the information takes the front row and made as accessible as possible with few clicks. (I known for making once a 500KB page for intranet, but everybody was happy that all needed info was on a single page without any distractions.)

Anonymous said...

Truly hate it. Used to visit 10 times a day. Now never again, can't stand the ugly slow design. Gizmodo/Lifehacker just lost a reader.

Anonymous said...

Can't stand it either... WTF?
Reminds me of myspace... old design, I used to check my account once a day, then new design, stopped checking all together. Not even curious or care. Same with the new design for gizmodo. Done! Don't care.

Anonymous said...

hate it, please bring back the old site

Anonymous said...

I googled "gizmodo new design sucks" and wound up here. Horrible, confusing, slow and full of ads. I'm switching to engadget.

Anonymous said...

haha i'm with a some of commenter here that googled "gawker new design suck" and quickly came across this blog. works for me for the time being :p

Anonymous said...

Hoo Hoo Haw Haaaa Gawker/Gizmodo (Same site), that front group for the young scientology crowd (Yes, Denton, the owner, mostly hires scientologists)got screwed today when Google changed their algorithm to put Gawker, Gizmodo and all of Denton's crap sites into the lowest search levels. (Google people HATE Scientologists).. I love it! Gawker screwed with the wrong people this time, didn't they?