Friday, November 30, 2007

I Finally Congratulated Nutter

Not exactly headline making news, but it was worth mentioning. I'm a pretty good sport, so on the night of the election I called Nutter to congratulate him on his win. I'm not sure he ever got the message, though, and I'm sure I didn't leave a call-back number for him, either.

At any rate, on Tuesday I was downtown to complain directly to Czar, I'm sorry, Councilman Darrell Clarke about his insane new bills. I went down dressed as myself, so I was more comfortable than usual. After I left, I ran into Rikard Larma. He is the awesome guy who did the photo shoot of me when I was on the cover of the Philadelphia Metro. He's since taken photos of me at the big Anti-War Rally that took place at City Hall in March.

When I ran into him on Tuesday, he wanted to get some more photos and ask me about how the election went, as well as my feelings. I told him I was OK with the results and was OK with Nutter as long as he never declares a Crime Emergency. He tried to call Brian X. McCrone, the guy who did that awesome story about me, but his hands were tied. After speaking a bit, an old friend popped up! We talked a bit when Rikard interrupted. "Hey! Nutter is here!"

I pardoned myself to walk over and shake his hand and say Hi and congrats. Nutter was surrounded by 5 guys (You know, I can't tell you how many times I wished I had either bodyguards or a "posse"!) and some photographers. He was in a rush, so I congratulated him, he said thanks, and walked off.

Rikard got a good photo out of it, and the Philadelphia Metro blog did a little article about it. Good time was had by all!

PS: BRIAN! If you read this, I still owe your lunch! Send me an e-mail when you can!

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