Friday, February 1, 2008

From Hopefull to Hopeless: The 2008 Presidential Election

Ron Paul VS. Mike Gravel.

In an ideal world, these would be our choices for President. Both of these men are incredibly well qualified, extremely intelligent, have reached across the aisle to get things done, and offer the most progressive policies of their respective parties. In an ideal world, both of these men would be front runners and we would smile and go, "Yes, America is going to be great again! There is hope!"

Instead... we have 4 front runners for 2 parties that no one actually likes.

Right now, we're down to 3 candidates: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Mike Gravel.

Obama leads in delegets and is racking up endorsements like crazy. Isn't it simply ironic that the same man what touts himself as a "Washington Outsider" is getting so many endorsements from the Washington Establishment? The man is horribly inexperienced and not ready for a job such as President, especially in the shape this nation is in. Give him another 4 years. "What, your crazy! Experience doesn't matter!" Guess what; I heard all of these same arguments when I was running for mayor of Philadelphia and there is one MAJOR difference between the two: Mayor of Philadelphia isn't even close to being President of the USA, and it sure is a hell of a lot smaller. When it comes to being President, Yes, experience matters.

Hillary Clinton is a divider. She is the type of person you either love or hate, and I can't explain why, but I just don't like her. It's amazing that I was ready to root for her, just as it seems South Park and especially The Simpsons both have. She wants some type of universal health care, but she voted for the war in Iraq and took forever to apologize for it. She's lied more than Obama, and really.... just WHY?

You know what, this cartoon says it better than me:


John McCain is a sell-out. Until 2006, yes, I would have voted for him. I think that a vast majority of people in this country were ready to since, even though he was a Republican, a lot of Democrats saw him as a candidate that really did care about making peace with both sides of the aisle and that he had sound ideas and policies. Now, we have an old man who couldn't give an inspiring speech if he had to, putting me to sleep as he talks and now wants us to stay in Iraq for 100 years.

Mitt Romney... he is the mortal form of every evil, corrupt, disgusting politician you've ever seen run for President in a movie. Did you ever see Dan Akroyd in "My Fellow Americans"? Or how about that annoying woman who ran for Governor of Washington in "Black Sheep"? In essence, these are the people running for office, but Mitt... no.

And that's just the front runners! Four people I wouldn't want to vote for, and I am SICK of it! I know a lot of people on BOTH parties, Democrats and Republicans, are in the same boat. I could go on and on about each of these candidates, but I won't. It's too much of a waste to try and tell people why these people stink and I'd rather just show you who you SHOULD be voting for.

  • Wants to end the war in Iraq.
  • Favors impeaching Bush NOW
  • Wants Universal Health Care
  • Wants to end the war on Drugs
  • Opposes war on Iran
  • Pro-Choice
  • Wants Net Neutrality
  • Against Torture

  • NEVER Voted for a Tax Increase
  • Has stated the 9/11 Attacks were because we had bases on Muslim Holy Land
  • End the war in Iraq
  • Strict Constitutionalist
  • Believes in Privacy
  • Believe in Diplomacy
  • Wants to abolish the IRS
  • Anti-Racism
  • End the Drug War
To Learn more about Ron Paul, for to

So, please, VOTE FOR THESE GUYS! Otherwise, we're stuck with 4 people who shouldn't be president.

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