Wednesday, December 5, 2007

An Open Letter to City Council

Dear City Council Member:

I am writing to you today in regards to three bills that will be presented tomorrow at the City Council Meeting by Councilman Darrell Clarke of the 'Licenses and Inspections' Committee. These bills are:

Bill No.: 070875 - The bill that would track sales of cigarettes and beer.
Bill No.: 070876 - The bill that would track sales of spray paint, indelible markers, and etching acid.
Bill No.: 070914 - The bill that would ban showing the image of a burning cross, noose, or swastika in public.

I am asking you to NOT pass these bills!

These three bills would limit the civil rights of the citizens of Philadelphia and impose unnecessary barriers in order to fight crime and racism, respectively.

These bills would allow the Government of the City of Philadelphia to violate the right of privacy to buy beer and cigarettes without having the government know. At the same time, tracking the sale of indelible markers would also include tracking when you bought even a Sharpie marker. What, exactly, is the point of that? Considering the large number of Sharpies sold in the City of Philadelphia, along with Spray Paint, it seems that tracking each and every sale will not lead to a crackdown on crime and being able to catch the criminals, but instead a backlog of useless information that seems more intent on harming the public rather than protecting it!

For those reasons alone, I am asking you not to pass Bill's 070875 and 070876.

As for Bill No. 070914, this bill has one intent and one harmful side-effect; in an effort to defeat racism and protect everyone, the First Amendment Right to freedom of expression is hampered! While the bill specifically state that it would be forbidden to show them with "intent... to incite violence", what that covers is a very large area. In essence, some forms of these symbols are meant to incite anger and hatred, but sometimes also to think. Would a teacher discussing racism being arrested for showing these symbols to provoke a reaction from their class to show them racism is wrong? Would someone wearing a shirt showing a Swastika to show their disapproval of something they see as fascist be banned as well?

The First Amendment is called into question with Bill No. 070914. While I understand and agree with the intent, we already have Hate Crime laws in effect doing the same thing. For a municipal government to create laws such as this is a step in the wrong direction and, in my opinion, a step toward limiting freedom and rights.

I urge you to NOT pass these three bills! They do not seek to help Philadelphia and Philadelphian's, they only exist to impose more useless legislation and barriers in a society built on freedom that slowly seems to be loosing them.

I thank you all for your time and consideration into this matter, and wish you a wonderful fay, the bet of luck in your meeting, and a happy holiday season!

Larry West

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