Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another Economy Post


"Consfearacy" by Slayer

Let's just get right to it: The economy is pure shit. This holiday season, we are seeing more and more people spend less and less because... well, who can afford to have fun this year other than rich people? For some people it's gas prices, for other rising prices for electricity and home heating. So, yeah, everyone has a problem with gas these days (heh heh...) and we can point it directly at the CEO's who are taking home hundreds of millions every year!

Not only that, but its even harder to not want to spend cash since all the stores are just slashing their prices right now! Hell, Border's has a coupon for 40% ALL DVD Box Sets! I'm not making that up! You know their not having a good year with something like that!

Frankly, no one really has money for anything.

On the flip-side, you have a bunch of people saying our economy is just fine! They point to the fact that while the American Dollar is loosing value, it means that exporting goods is going up, which means we're going to see our value go up as more money is pumped into our economy. Normally, this form of Trickle-down economics work well, but with more and more companies exporting jobs overseas, we are becoming a nation of givers as we are now being sucked dry.

On the plus side, how many times do you see a Slayer fan use the word "shit" and discuss the value of the American Dollar in the same article? Huh?! Sweet....

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