Despite a call not to strike at all, especially not during the World Series, Willie Brown WALKED OUT OF THE TALKS! In turn, workers walked off the job and took to the picket lines. The walkout happened at 12:01AM this morning, and will effect all Bus, Subway, and Trolly service in Philadelphia. Regional Rail is not effected. The strike will be effective as of 3AM.
The talks fell apart over the pension and pay.
The silver lining? The walk out waited until AFTER the World Series, so everyone at the game should be able to get home safely. On top of that, while the loss of SEPTA will be a problem, it will not be the horrible doomsday scenario we would have seen this weekend.
It is worth noting that TWU 234 has also purchased more air time to support their cause as they complain about SEPTA not giving them more money.
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