Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How I Spent My Week...

Sorry about the lack of posts over the last week. As I write this, its 9:30PM. I wanted to go to sleep 3 hours ago because I haven't slept enough in the last week. Why? My art. Its a long story, and writing it now won't do it justice. What I did, quite simply, was spend a week getting ready to audition in New York City for a new show on Bravo called the "Untitled Art Project". Little is known about the show outside the fact that the winner gets a national art tour and a cash price. For me, that was more than enough motivation for a low-brow/pop/underground artist such as myself to give it a try.

So what happened? Well, I didn't make the show, but my story doesn't end there.

I can't say much, but look for a story about it all soon, VERY soon.

So far, the people who have criticized this have been "fine artists", or as those in the commercial art field like to call them, "cry babies and spoiled brats." HI-OH! No, seriously, its been just fine artists from what I see who state "art takes time, is subjective, etc, etc..." It does, it is, and its not. Ask a professional commercial artist if they've been forced to work on a piece they didn't like from start to finish within 48 hours, and you're bound to hear a yes. Some artists can do it... some can not. But, more than anything, if you decide to do a reality show, you're already saying that you know what this is: A TV SHOW FIRST, everything else second.

Also, I started a new inspiration blog called "This Stuff Kicks Ass!" I did it because I started to get pissed off with the inspiration site and sites I went to. Too many pastels and too much focus on things that are more about the concept than the execution. My 2 cents. This blog is focused on good concepts, good execution, but most importantly... stuff that kicks ass! Actually, that was the original name of the blog, but some loser got the name before me and there's nothing there. Man he sucks.

At any rate, enjoy!

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