Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So You've Gone Vegan? Congrats, You Shouldn't Be Reading This!

I realized something when I got to the third panel: Being Vegan basically means that you can't touch anything man-made.

Wait, what do I mean?

Well, lets just say you're against exploitation of all creatures on Earth. Awesome. You don't want anyone and anything to be treated poorly or exploited for the good of others. So I can only assume that Vegan's never wear Nike, Adidas, Gap, Old Navy, or pretty much 99% of all clothing available in America or the civilized world since they are, more likely than not, made in a Third-World country where people are working in sweatshops. Or China. And China... well, do I even have to explain?

Most electronics and gadgets are also made in these sweatshops, so unless your computer was made in America, you shouldn't be reading this. Cellphones? Same deal.

Oh, but it doesn't stop there! You already said by being Vegan that nearly any and all fast food is out, which is good, since most fast food places take advantage of their workers and exploit them as well.

Then you have farms.

Yes, farms.

How likely do you think it is that your "organic" food wasn't used with exploited migrant workers? And since "organic food" actually exploits the earth since it means using a form of farming that's less efficient and healthy for the Earth... no organic food.

But then again, all of this an extreme, isn't it?

If your rational for being or going Vegan is because "you don't like living creatures to be exploited", well... I think you need a reality check. If you're doing it because, in the end, you don't like meat, hurting animals, etc.. well, that's just fine.

I'm not trying to come down on the Vegan lifestyle at all. Personally, it isn't for me. Not even close. If I tried it, with my allergies, I wouldn't last a week. Its not for everyone, and if everyone did go vegan, this planet would waste away to nothing really fast. More than anything, I'm just doing what I do best: Exploring a tangent and making fun of it.

Editors note: SINFEST is one of the greatest comic strips of all time and by no means was this a rip at it, nor the Vegan lifestyle!

Comic courtesy of Sinfest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely done post.

Oh, and if you wanted to link back up to my site, here's the link: