Growing up, I didn't like dogs at all. I lived next door to a guy who had one for protection that was incredibly mean. All the other dogs on the block seemed to have this thing about wanting to get close to me for a bite, and basically I didn't have anything close to a good experience with one. Up until 4 years ago, I had to deal with one on my block that was never on a leash when it was outside and would chase me. Not fun.
Since then, I've warmed up to dogs. I've always been allergic, so that hasn't helped the situation much. Working downtown and with a lot of people who own and downright love them... well, it's forced me to open up more. I can't do much, though, and I'm still nervous around them.
So when I hear people decry the American Pit Bull Terrier, or the Pit Bull... I'm left scratching my head.
The main argument I've heard are that they're "more aggressive". In my experience, and even statistically... it's basically baloney. Just like most dogs, they're loyal to their masters and family, and friendly to strangers. It's more of a reputation than anything else.
The problem, though, is that a lot of people who get Pit Bulls tend to get them for the wrong reason. Look at Micheal Vick, for example. He used them in dog fighting, making them more aggressive needlessly and forcing them to fight. Sadly, a lot of people do the same thing. You also have people buying them just because they want to look like they have a "tough dog", so they actually try to make them mean as well.
Then you have the people who get them because they simply love dogs.
A co-worker of mine rescued a pit bull from the street out of the rain that wasn't doing too good. A few days later, he found out why the dog was acting so sick; she was pregnant. He now has a bunch of cute little puppies to give away, and he's making sure they go to good homes. The dog is a sweetheart.
Pit Bulls, by and large, are no more aggressive than most other breeds of animals. In fact, there was one that lived down the block from me. Remember how I said most of the dogs on my block tended to have a need to get a little too close to me? This one didn't. She was very nice, sat at her house whenever tied up, and when she was walked, was very nice towards me and respectful. It was a mix of both a boxer and a pit bull. In my life, the dogs that have been aggressive have been the ones that seem like they should be nice... but aren't.
Philadelphia City Council has been trying to ban Pit Pulls for years, and it is simply impossible. The law forbids banning specific breeds of dogs, and for that, I am actually thankful. In fact, a ban would simply make it worse in this city! Can you imagine them being banned? You already have jerks owning them, and they're in the minority. What happens when they're the majority?!
Pit Bulls are, by and large, kind, caring animals, nor worse or more violent than most of the dogs out there. Just treat them with the same love and respect you would any dog and you'll be fine.
Photo Courtesy of Manly's Republic
WOW!!! Good to know that you have different taste from all.. i like your choice too..
My sister has a pit bull terrier that's about a year old. It's funny because he's 2 to 3 times the size of my dog but is more like an oafy sidekick and he cracks me up. Pit bulls are the same as any other dog when it comes to people they know and trust. The only thing is that they are a larger breed and with that comes larger teeth and claws which you have to keep in mind, but it's not a reason to shun them and say they are monsters when they're normally just like any other family pet.
1. They are ugly to begin with...
2. They are naturally an aggressive type of breed.
3. Again they are just ugly....
^ Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
Dude, they're not aggressive, they're mainly just loyal.
My husband and I own 4 pitbull's
Tyson-11yrs old, Seiko(which she is deaf)-2yrs old, And we have two of their babies. snoop & brock-Both are 5mt's old.
Tyson is getting alil old and we wanted one of his puppies.(But loved two of them and couldn't pick. So that's y we keep 2 babies) And I wanted an all white girl pitbull. Well we found out at 3mt's old that she was deaf (At first we thought she was hard headed & didn't want to listen) So we took her to the vet. And he ransome test and gave us the news. Everyone acted like it was a bad thing. And Everyone was telling us to put her to sleep that she would end up going crazy and and be really mean, And we couldn't control her. Well we didn't listen because she was out lil girl. And when u get a pet. It's just like having a kid. If we have a deaf child then we aren't going to put it to sleep. So we taught her sign's & took her to classes at petsmart. Now she knows over 20 signs.. She is the sweetest animal I've EVER had. And I've had all kinds of dogs small and large. b4 Seiko I had a Black toy pom.(By the way tyson got along GREAT with Lea(Toy pom RIP), She use to sleep on his back! But Seiko turned out to b the biggest sweetheart I've ever owned! And she is a great mother, to 8 pretty puppies! And she still takes care of the two puppies we keep. We didn't breed our dogs 4 money. Like I said b4 we just wanted one of tyson's puppies. We did not sell the puppies. We only gave them away to GREAT FAMILIES!! We still keep in touch with all the families & they send us pi's of the puppies! Pitbulls Are GREAT dogs! They are what ever u want them to be! They are just like any other dog. They just want to please their owner, Even if it means fight another dog that they don't want too.. Why do humans look at the breed and call them names. Why not look at the humans that taught them how to act! Pitbulls only want to please, some times they even do it if it means their life! What a sad story only wantin love, But us humans only put them down, call them names, And make them fight(They aren't askin to fight) And then humanstry to pass a BSL to kill them. My 4 babies are sweethearts Tyson is almost 12 and is the biggest baby of all time. Now they will protect you until the death and they are VERY loyal!! I love my dogs and I would move out of state if they passed the BSL here in my state!!!
I Own 5 pits a germanshepherd and a blueheeler mix with poodo. i got my first pit when i was a freshman in hischool and ever since iv owned one, now i have 5 all blue nose 2 solid white and 3 blues, bad ass i love em just as much i know they love me. all i can say about the pit bull is to respect the dog. he will protect when he feels the need to..so dont try to be bad ass and think he will not attack. AND they are not ugly.
I got my first Pit Bull two years ago, now SkyllaMae is a little over a year, she's a black brindle Razor's Edge/Gotti female with white markings. SkyllaMae's the best dog I have EVER owned. Then I have Vivon, she's a few months over a year old, Viv is white with a black patch over her eye and at the doc of her tail and is "a bred of pit that is considered the MOST aggressive" Boudreaux/ Rascal, but she is nothing but a big baby. My family and I also own a Scottish Terrier who is about 25 pounds while my two females are 65 lbs. We have 7 horses, and one mini horse, one cat and a couple chickens, they aren't mean or anything to any of our animals. Vivon will soon be having her first litter of pups, once we are selling them I'll be 110% they all go to great homes. I love my pit and all my other animals, they by no means are aggressive but only loyal, JUST like ANY other dog! :)
SkyllaMae is 2 years Old now I ment, lol.
Really! To the idiot who posted the dog is naturally aggressive must have a sersioly low IQ, it only takes the internet and one reliable website to discover that the media and their B.S. are always wrong. Did you know that a little white pomerainian killed a baby by eating its private area and his face only because the baby smelled like milk and the owner walked out of the room.....now did that make the 6 o clock news.....NO....SO BEFORE YOU SPEW YOUR IGNORANCE ON THE INTERNET FOR OTHERS TO READ AND HOPEFULLY NOT BE INFLUENCED BY.... DO YOURSELF AND SOCIETY A FAVOR AND READ SOME FACTS OF THE FANTASTIC BREED THAT EVEN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT BELIEVES AS THEY USE THESE DOGS IN MANY WAYS.
Hey as$h0le,,,, stay anonymous. Have you ever even been around a pittie? Or do you believe everything you hear? I hate that small minded people still exist in this world. I love my little boy Tahoe who is about 9 mos now, I myself was worried about how he would turn out when he was younger. I have owned dogs all my life but he is my first pit, I had heard stories about them possibly becoming more agressive as they hit sexual maturity,,,, articles written by so called experts. Today those worries have faded and my big clown sleeps with me under the blankets, he actually runs away from much smaller dogs at the dog park and hides behind me. If I were ever told I needed to relocate because he was not accepted I would start looking for a new home in a heartbeat, the thought of giving him up would not occupy my mind for a minute
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