Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nate Webster Throws His Hat into the Ring for Montco Commissioner

A complete unknown has entered the 2011 race for County Commissioner of Montgomery County, and his name is Nate Webster.

"People are sick and tired of all the bickering," Webster said. "Governing is about what we can do for the people, not what government can do for politicians."

"I doubt the party establishment will get behind me, partly because of my age. But I'm not going to be pushed out by party insiders," he said. "If I get pushed out, it will be the voters of Montgomery County who reject me.

"I'm in this until the bitter end," he added.

His biggest challenge will not be the establishment of the Democratic Party, but the cynicism of many due to one simple thing: His age.

Nate Webster is 18-years-old.

To that end, it is worth noting that Nate actually was a campaign manager last year. He also states he has no plans on being a career politician, saying that this is what he wants. " I'm not running for commissioner so that some day I can be governor or attorney general."

His platform is admirable: More transparency to county government, namely when it comes to bidding on contracts, and publishing the workings of the government online.


I've been down this road myself, and Nate, I want to give you a few bits of advice:

First, most of the stuff you're going to have to deal with at first will have to deal with your age. Everyone anyone makes that THE issue, turn it around on them. Make sure that they know that you're in this to win, not as a prank, a stunt, or anything else. The fact that you're not embedded in the current political process is actually an access.

Congrats on getting started so early, and smart move! This gives you enough time to start building up a base, get your name out there, and build some decent momentum before the actual primary races start to heat up. You're up against someone like Joe Hoffel, and this makes the trail all the more harder.

Some people won't take you seriously, and more people than you may imagine will try to take you down simply because you're not 50 yeas old. More importantly, there are a lot of people who will look up to you for the same exact reason. On a personal level keep them close; a professional level listen to the critics, and realize that some of them are stubborn as a mule.

You've already ran a campaign, and I'm sure you don't need me to go on and on about this, that, and the other. So let me leave you with this:

"NEVER let the bastards get you down."

Good luck, and here's to you!

Article referenced, and photo courtesy of, The Phoenix

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