According to Metal Portal, BEHEMOTH mainman Adam "Nergal" Darski has filed a libel lawsuit against the head of the All-Polish Committee for Defence against Sects, Ryszard Nowak. Nergal claims that Nowak slandered him in an interview with Gazeta Swietojanska (watch interview in two parts below), repeatedly calling the BEHEMOTH frontman a criminal.Source: Blabbermouth.net
Darski is demanding a written apology from Nowak, to be published in Gazeta Wyborcza, one of the Poland's biggest daily newspapers, and three thousand zloty (approximately $1,000), which Nergal plans to donate to the animal shelter Ciapkowo in Gdynia. Nowak, on the other hand, says that he has no intention of apologizing to Nergal, explaining that this would give all musicians worshiping Satan the green light to do as they please while performing on stage — to burn crosses, destroy the Bible or just offend Christians. "I'd rather go to prison," Nowak says.
Here's a video of him tearing up the Bible:
And the interview with Gazeta Swietojanska about BEHEMOTH's Adam "Nergal" Darski:
Without a doubt, this is the best thing possible to happen to Black Metal, a sort of "Growing up", if you will. You have an artist fighting for his right to freely express himself in a relatively-young democracy and someone stating that no, he shouldn't. In turn, he's suing for $1000 and would give the money to an animal shelter.
So who looks bad here?
Photo From Revolver Mag.
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