Monday, October 26, 2009

The Problem With TWU 234 and Unions: A Response to a Comment

It's rare that I respond to a comment in general, and this is the first time I've dedicated an entire entry to a response.

I saw this comment, and I honestly think it warrants a full response from me:

Hmmmm I spent most of my adult life avoiding working for a Union. Most of my family are in Unions, including TWU 234.

But I have a family and child with medical needs that had me chasing good Medical Benefits and pay all my adult "working" life!

I have had to pay up to $1300.00 a month for family coverage. And when I would get a raise, it would be dissolved into higher Medical Coverage costs! EVERY YEAR!

I had to work longer hours and spend less time at home. I would have to suffer no pay days off just to see the kid's school play. I would sell my vacation back to my work to afford Christmas.

So I have managed up to 30 associates and held a good Management position while doing all this.

Then after years of growing business and expanding the work as well as the companies profit. I was laid off.

That's when I understood Unions and their purpose.

It is not greed my friend. It is protecting your work and fighting for fair wages and benefits.

Last year I would have stood 100% behind you on this. But after what I have been through in the last 15 years. I was forced to face a question.

This question was where can I work that will give me affordable Medical Coverage for my child and wife, while make enough money to keep ahead of the quick rising cost of living while using my non-college educated experience in customer service?

Then I was faced with a tougher question. Who will hire me in 2009 while the economy takes a dive and companies are laying off all over?

SEPTA was the "ONLY" company that called me back. I had a CDL already so it was set to happen.

I once was on the out side. Now I am on the inside. But it was the outside that convinced me.

Ask not what is wrong with Unions/SEPTA/TWU 234. But ask why is it that in 2009, that people are fighting for just the cost of living increases? You have a few facts wrong, and so does the article you linked. That's why it is getting shredded as we speak.

You have every right to your opinion. But that's what should be noted. It is your opinion. Not facts, nor from what I see, you have no idea what it is like as a father and husband trying to give his family the best life he can give them.

I hope the Phillies win. And I get the deserved terms that I work my ass off for. You should get what you work for right?

gfunkerror: By no means am I trying to be anti-union, and I am sorry if my response came off as such. More than anything, and I think you understand, I'm not Anti-Union: I'm anti-TWU 234.

The leadership of TWU 234 is crooked, plain and simple. They have allowed the workers they are designated to protect to work without a contract without striking since March. Its been over 7 months. Within that time, neither side has made an effort to actually meet at the bargaining table, and SEPTA ran as usual without any strikes. All the while, the leadership of TWU 234 spent money on ads they took out in local newspapers and on Television complaining about how SEPTA isn't meeting their demands for more money.

The idea of a union is to protect its workers and demand fair treatment. The problem, though, is that the demands of the leadership of the union are unreasonable to most people. They originally went on strike in 2005 because they didn't want to contribute ANYTHING to their health care, and now they pay a simple 1%. With health care costs rising and co-pays with them, this is now the second biggest issue and here's why:
The union does not want to increase its health-care contributions, but does want to increase its pension benefit to $100, up from $75, for every year of service. The union also wants to remove the cap for those earning more than $50,000 a year, so that their benefits are commensurate with their salaries.
In essence, they want more for less. I've seen numbers saying that SEPTA wanted a measly 4% from them of health care costs and offered them a yearly raise, although I agree that it's not enough at only 2% during the 2nd and 3rd years.

Also, lets go back to the fact that last week was the first time SEPTA and TWU 234 sat down to actually TALK about this since MARCH. Seven MONTHS. Why, why, WHY did it take 7 months for TWU 234 to agree to sit down with management? Why did they, instead of sitting down in April and working out a fair and honest deal as soon as possible they benefit both sides, did they wait until AFTER the Phillies were in the World Series? Why did they wait to vote on a strike until AFTER the Phillies were going to play in the World Series? Why did they wait until the first DAY of the series in Philadelphia to actually go on strike?

Greed, for lack of a better word.

The leadership of TWU 234 doesn't care about their workers or protecting their rights. Instead of working over the last 7 months to get a deal, they now are holding SEPTA to the wall and holding the city hostage to get what they want. These thugs are holding economic guns to their heads and want their demands met.

A strike will hurt this city. Traffic will be a nightmare, the city could lose millions in revenue it would have gained from the playoffs, and they're forcing their agenda on SEPTA and the riders. If the cost of riding one of the most expensive public transit systems in America goes up AGAIN, the union will lose more public support! In fact, that's the biggest problem TWU 234 faces: Public opinion. In the eyes of many in Philadelphia, TWU 234 leaders are, as I've said, simply thugs hellbent of take as much as possible from taxpayers and riders for their own gain while their workers still struggle.

The fact that they decided to wait until NOW to strike doesn't help, and the public is far from the side of the workers.

No one is disputing that they deserve fair wages, but there are problems with the system, most notably the fact that SEPTA cashiers are pulling in duel-incomes of $55k a year with a 4% raise each year. SEPTA needs to eliminate the practice of letting people do that instead of getting disability, and TWU 234 needs to agree that this needs to stop.

Am I anti-union? No. I've actually considered joining a freelancers union myself because they offer benefits and protections you don't have as an independent worker. At the same time, they also offer various problems and restrictions. It used to be for a long time that you couldn't get certain jobs unless you were a member of a union, and that has changed greatly over the years. Will unions come back? I hope so to a large degree, but only if we start asking questions about how they are run, who runs them, and if they actually help the workers or hurt them.

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