Monday, October 26, 2009

TWU 234: What Happened?!

The leadership of TWU 234 have decided to not only get greedier, but also meaner.

Last year at this time, the entire city of Philadelphia was, for the first time in my life, filled with true meaning of brotherly love. Peace throughout the city as we all united as one to support the Philadelphia Phillies who, for the first time in over 25 years, were posed to win the World Series, giving the city its first major championship in decades. I knew then that if it happened again, it wouldn't be the same, but I was still sure we would all get along and enjoy the ride.

TWU 234 doesn't see it that way. They want to go on strike right before the World Series starts in Philadelphia and shut down the celebration.

To their credit, the leaders who have always been strike-happy, have worked without a contract since March. That's amazing, and I will give them credit for going on this long and still trying to handle this in a civil manner, trying all the while to get the public on their side. Sadly, they just blew it! BIG TIME!

Look, TWU 234, you want more money. Where? WHERE is it going to come from? The agency hasn't pulled a profit in a long time, and right now, everyone is hurting (except those bastards on Wall Street). Not only that, but you want a 6% wage increase and a higher-contribution to your pensions. Meanwhile, SEPTA is offering 3%. Take the 3%.

Not only that, but Philadelphia Weekly did some investigating, and its worth noting that TWU 234 doesn't seem to deserve that. Why?

Have you ever wondered how cashiers get their jobs in the subway system? Have you ever wondered how much they make to simply sit back there, walk around from time to time, and hand you a transfer? $55,000 A YEAR. The workers in the booths are disabled, and they earn their original salary as a bus driver, mechanic, or whatever, on top of their salary as a cashier!

So they want more money? Maybe their 250 cashiers need concede and let go of their cushy deal. Maybe TWU 234 should do more to eliminate waste on THEIR side as well before they start crying out that management has been unfair to them!

1 comment:

gfunkerror said...

Hmmmm I spent most of my adult life avoiding working for a Union. Most of my family are in Unions, including TWU 234.

But I have a family and child with medical needs that had me chasing good Medical Benefits and pay all my adult "working" life!

I have had to pay up to $1300.00 a month for family coverage. And when I would get a raise, it would be dissolved into higher Medical Coverage costs! EVERY YEAR!

I had to work longer hours and spend less time at home. I would have to suffer no pay days off just to see the kid's school play. I would sell my vacation back to my work to afford Christmas.

So I have managed up to 30 associates and held a good Management position while doing all this.

Then after years of growing business and expanding the work as well as the companies profit. I was laid off.

That's when I understood Unions and their purpose.

It is not greed my friend. It is protecting your work and fighting for fair wages and benefits.

Last year I would have stood 100% behind you on this. But after what I have been through in the last 15 years. I was forced to face a question.

This question was where can I work that will give me affordable Medical Coverage for my child and wife, while make enough money to keep ahead of the quick rising cost of living while using my non-college educated experience in customer service?

Then I was faced with a tougher question. Who will hire me in 2009 while the economy takes a dive and companies are laying off all over?

SEPTA was the "ONLY" company that called me back. I had a CDL already so it was set to happen.

I once was on the out side. Now I am on the inside. But it was the outside that convinced me.

Ask not what is wrong with Unions/SEPTA/TWU 234. But ask why is it that in 2009, that people are fighting for just the cost of living increases? You have a few facts wrong, and so does the article you linked. That's why it is getting shredded as we speak.

You have every right to your opinion. But that's what should be noted. It is your opinion. Not facts, nor from what I see, you have no idea what it is like as a father and husband trying to give his family the best life he can give them.

I hope the Phillies win. And I get the deserved terms that I work my ass off for. You should get what you work for right?