Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to Normal... Almost

Well, to put it simply, life for me has been a living hell for the last month. I had to do a lot of things I didn't want to, and I had to make a lot of personal sacrafices and it was just a nightmare. Really, things didn't start to spiral out of control until the last two weeks, but right now I think the worst is over.

I'm still not back to normal yet; there's a few things missing from my house that I need to get back (guitars, mostly), and I still need my Central Air fixed for winter. Apperantly, the City of Philadelphia does it for free... more on that later.

Look for a return of 8-Album Mind tomorrow. I won't list what I listened to since the last one... which is a shame since it included Slayer. Well, that's life.

Also, the website I'm working on is on hold since I need to take into account Google Chrome. A feature or two isn't working in it, so I need to fix that.

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