Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Need Another FDR!

If FDR was alive today, I'm sure he'd be glad to run for a 4th term, and if his mental state held up well, I'd sure as hell vote for him!

Franklin Delanore Roosevelt did something that needed to be done; Get America Smart!

This is a gross oversimplification, but FDR created "The New Deal", an agreement that stated that the government needed to help the citizens of this Republic when they needed it, and cut back spending as well. His plans helped America get out of the Great Depression and made us, by the 1950's, an economic powerhouse.

Right now, we need him.

I don't want to hear another politican talk about Tax Cuts. Fuck it. I don't need them anymore. A tax cut would kick ass, but right now, we're fucked. We are so fiscally fucked this isn't an economy, it's sodmoy on a daily basis! This is, without a doubt, the WORST economic situation since The Great Depression and we're looking at the possibility of a sequal right now dead in the face.

In fact, shut about which politican said what. Right now, let's look at the RAW FACTS:

John McCain has suspended his campaign to go back to Washington to deal with this crap.
Barack Obama has said he wants to continue with the debate Friday.

You know what sucks? The first thing we all think is one of the two; McCain is actually putting his money where his mouth is, or that the fact that he said he's not good at the economy is REALLY bitting him in the ass. Frankly, I think it's both. I think McCain just saw that this economic disaster is worst than he imagined. I think Obama is seazing the moment to boost himself up and, in turn, make McCain look bad.

Me? I don't fucking care!

I don't care WHO says it, but the first person to say, "Look, I know I said I wanted to cut taxes. But because our economy needs all the help it can get and we have to help so many folks, we can't do it. Sorry, folks, no tax cuts." First person to say it get's my vote, PERIOD! It shows one simple thing; they understand that you can't cut back spending anymore and you can't get something from nothing. 

Extra credit? "Not only am I NOT going to cut your taxes, but I am creating an incentive to have the U.S. People buy Bonds. This helps them, their neighbors, etc... then, down the line, they get the money back with interest!" I love universal health care, America needs something close to it, but right now... We can't afford it. Say that, you got my vote.

The first one of these two to say that, to say "I know I promised you the stars and the moon, but right now, we need to get back on our feet first. When we do that, I'll give it to you. But right now, we've got to handle this. If you vote for me, I'll do just that."

Obama, McCain... I honestly hope one of you just say this. We need another FDR.

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