Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama Says Lipstick, McCain Screams Foul, and Obama Makes A Dumb Issue Dumber

Every single election, we deal with some dumb comment or two and these things or easily forgotten. I'm sure if you think about it, one or two things that were said this election, the other side said it was wrong and, in turn, it's normally forgotten in a day or two.

Obama didn't.

Instead, Obama took the issue, issued his own press releases and, in turn, made a stupid non-issue a bigger one than it should have been. Depending on who you want, it's either one of two things: Brilliant because what better way to show your enemy is dumb than by pointing out such a naive flaw? Stupid because it comes off as desperate when your no longer in the spotlight and your poll numbers are slipping, so is your popularity.

This is just a really dumb, really big diversion, and Obama, the man screaming about change, is taking the same-old same-old route by focusing on this. 

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