Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The End Is Near?

So, what is the meaning of this image? Why am I so obsessed with this phrase? Why the hell was I outside Saturday protesting some local artist?! And what does this have to do with anything?!?!

The answers... well, they're not simple nor easy. Nor am I going to spill the beans just yet. I will say this, though: The answer is right in front of you.

The End Is Near.


Anonymous said...

More theories:

I'm still going by my ape overlords theory. Since that crazy bitch's chimpanzee gouged that one lady's eyes out in Connecticut, I'm not even going near our fucking zoo.

Is there a musician/band/artist/rapper by the name of "The End" who may be coming to Philadelphia?

Anonymous said...

Even MORE guesses:

Anything to do with the Watchmen?

You've seen the future printed on a Ho-Ho Snack Cake?


(oh, and by the way: you should've done the protesting in a kilt. That would've been great.)