Monday, March 23, 2009

TWITTER: You Have No Friends!

I had a really great laugh about this. I love this cartoon, it's just plain awesome!

I'm still kinda shock I use Twitter and use it daily. They point out that your basically yelling into space, hoping for someone to listen. In essence, its true. your true friends wouldn't care about that; they would pick up the phone and talk to you.

I don't use Twitter to talk to my friends. That would be even sadder than what I do use it for; marketing and a place to vent.

Sometimes I'm at work or working on something and I need to kinda get something else. For example: "Allergy season, how I hate you... stuffy nose, watery eyes, and aches and pains." Eh, what can I say, I didn't feel great.

It can also be used as a good promo tool and a way to get the word out about what your up to.For example, I found out someone stole my idea and wrote this: "These bastards ripped off my "Obey False Messiah" idea! BASTARDS!!!" So far, no, I haven't done anything about this incident, but it was cool to get the word out. If I've got some artwork I just did, posted something on my blog, etc... it can be a good way to get the word out.

So, basically, I'm just saying the same thing the cartoon is: Twitter sucks for social networking and keeping in touch with friends. It's cool to see what people you like and/or know are up to, and it's cool that it's been used for a lot of good! Companies like Comcast, DirecTV, and a lot more have basically started Twitter accounts to see what people think of their service and actually do something about it.

I'm pissed the media is so obsessed with something that only lets you input 140 characters, an avatar, and a background. Twitter can do some good, but really... its kinda dumb.

At any rate, my Twitter feed is here.
I update it daily, but hey, you never know when you'll read something good!

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