Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jesse Jackson: Hypocrite, Bastard, and Needs To RESIGN! NOW!

Anyone who knows me, anyone who has met me, knows I believe the following: Jesse Jackson is an outdated self-righteous asshole who thinks he is the "king of all black people". He is not. In fact, he is so removed from modern black thinking, he's the same type of racist asshole who he rallied against even up to when he ran for president. He's pushed his own biased, narrow-minded agenda non-stop and down the throats of America for years. He is, in short, why blacks have such a bad name in America.

And now, the man who has rallied and condemned many a white public figure, from Don Imus to my hero Michael Richards, has just used the word Nigger to describe... wait for it... Barack Obama!

CHICAGO - Fox News says the Rev. Jesse Jackson used the N-word during a break in a TV interview where he criticized presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The longtime civil rights leader already came under fire this month for crude off-air comments he made against Obama in what he thought was a private conversation during a taping of a "Fox & Friends" news show.

Now a Fox spokesman says Jackson used the N-word to refer to black people during that taping as he said Obama was talking down to them. Those comments were not aired.

Jackson — who is traveling in Spain — apologized in a statement Wednesday for "hurtful words" but didn't offer specifics.

The N-word comment was first reported by blog TVNewser. Fox declined to release the transcript.

SOURCE: Yahoo! News

Well, well, well... I'm not sure if this is irony or poetic justice, but whatever it is, I want this little nightmare for him to go on and on until he's destroyed. So let's get started, shall we!

Jesse Jackson should now do the following:
  • 1. Apologize to Obama again.
  • 2. Apologize to the NAACP.
  • 3. Resign from the Rainbow/PUSH coalition.
  • 4. Admit he has been self-owned and had this coming for being a non-stop asshole.
  • 5. Never speak in public again.

In fact, Number 3 is the most important. For someone so passionate about helping black people and not tearing them down, for someone who has had countless times gone after public faces, groups, or individuals for whatever small thing he finds offensive and called for them to resign, Jesse Jackson, IT'S YOUR TURN!

I think everyone should contact the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and ask them to either make Jesse Jackson to resign or that he is fired:

Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
930 East 50th Street
Chicago, IL 60615-2702

ph: 773-373-3366
fx: 773-373-3571

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