Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Ugly Mug is on Cafepress

If you have a shop on Cafepress like I do, then you may have gotten today's newsletter which included pictures of the latest Meet & Greet which I have already posted about. Twice. For one reason or another, they decided to put my picture in there. And already, the requests for dates have... not been coming in. Ladies, don't worry, I'm single! There's plenty of Larry and his Mohawk to go around!

There's only two on their Flickr page, but worth checking out:

Larry at the Bar
Larry just being... Larry

Also, check out the shop often from now until Sunday; I plan on adding and removing products, and possibly re-designing the store. We'll see.

Also, on their competitor side:

I was getting ready to sit down and start this, when I got an e-mail from

Turns out they beat me to it! In a few days, you will be able to purchase a custom pair of sneakers based on one of my favorite piece's, "Punk Skull"! Now, some may consider this the ultimate cash-in or selling out. The reality is, this image was pretty much done with the idea that I would eventually put it on sneakers. I've wanted to do custom sneakers for about 3 years... I'm just psyched that I can finally do it!I'll keep you posted on this, but basically, this is the shoe!

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