- The Years of Decay ♠♠♠♠
- Horrorscope ♠♠♠♠♠
- I Hear Black ♠♠♠
- W.F.O. ♠♠♠♠
- Wrecking Your Neck ♠♠♠
- The Killing Kind ♠♠♠♠
- From the Underground and Below ♠♠♠♠
- Coverkill ♠♠♠
Overkill is, without a doubt, one of my Top 10 bands of all time. Considering what I listen to, it's not surprising. In fact, it's easy to say they have to be Top 5, along with Megadeth, Devin Townsend (including SYL, Solo, etc), The Plasmatics, and Slayer. So don't look for me to harp on albums here, it's just one simple rule: BUY THEM ALL!!!!!!!
Overkill is the incredibly rare band, one that even those in my Top 5 (save Devin Townsend), that can simply release an album on a consistent basis and even their worst is better than a lot of people's best. Since 1985 and the release of "Feel the Fire", you would be hard-pressed to find an Overkill album that didn't sit well with the others. Which brings me to the Surprise of the Day, "I Hear Black". Originally released in 1993, this post-Nirvana disc saw Overkill grow and expand their sound by mixing their metal roots with heavy doses of blues and Black Sabbath. The result is actually mixed; some choice cuts, namely "Dreaming in Columbian" and "World of Hurt", do more than a lot of metal bands could at the time without losing an ounce of heaviness, an even RARER feat!
That aside, the best cuts from today?
Bastard Nation, E.vil N.ever D.ies, Elimination, Time to Kill, It Lives, Cold Hard Fact, Battle, God-Like, Blood Money (THE Most under-rated Overkill Song EVER!!!!), Thanx for Nothing, Solitude, I Hate, and about 50 more I didn't name.
Oddly enough, today wasn't great; wound up getting really angry most of the day and got a last-minute project I needed to do in 2 hours. All-in-all... you know, it was pretty good.