Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8-Album Mind: Lefties, Commies, and Hypocrites

Rage Against the Machine - Evil Empire ♠♠♠
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime LIVE ♠♠♠♠ REVIEW
Rammstein - Sehnsucht ♠♠♠
Rammstein - Mutter ♠♠♠♠
Rammstein - Reise, Reise ♠♠♠♠♠
Rammstein - Rosenrot ♠♠♠♠

Rage Against the Machine... frankly, they're the band I love to hate. I hate the rapping, but I love the metal riffs. In particular, I hate the fact that for a band that preaches the greatness of anarchy and anti-capitalism they made their debut on SONY RECORDS. So far, I haven't read about them donating all the money they made to the homeless or anything, so I doubt they hate Capitalism that much, especially when you consider how much merch has their fuckin' name on it! I've been wanting to write a rant about these assholes for the longest time... look for it within the week.

Meanwhile, Queensryche first recording of Operation: Mindcrime is virtually flawless. The tiny imperfections by the band actually make the album worth buying, as well as the crowd screaming, "You'll never get away!" in "The Needle Lies", one of my favorite songs on the album.

Rammstein has always opposed facisim, and the song "Links 2,3,4" was written to basically tell the world that, no, they are not Nazi's. In fact, they went so far as to name the song "LEFT, 2, 3, 4". In fact (sorry), the number "two" pronounced in the song is similar to the Communist version of "2". The entire point was that they were not only lefties, but they were pretty far left. It would have worked.... if most people spoke Germany, too the time to actually understand and get the lyrics, and the song didn't use a military beat that sounded like, you guessed it, a Nazi Germany song. Seriously, I bought this album because that song made me think they WERE Nazi's. I'm sure I'm not exactly alone.

A lot of the reviews for Rammstein albums, namely after the 2nd (I never bought their first, Herzeleid). Oddly enough, Herzeleid is the #1 METAL ALBUM ON AMAZON.COM! No, seriously. At least it was when I posted it. For an album cover that looks like what would be a Backstret Boys album 2 years later, it seems that I should buy it. At any rate, every review for the band from Mutter - Rosenrot has always been how it wasn't as good as Shensucht. W

ell, Shensucht was mediocre at best! Seriously, think about it; in 1997, a good modern metal band was hard to find. Pantera had been around to long, Static-X was a year away, and Fear Factory was it. A bunch of Germans come over, take Fear Factory's concept and make it kick-ass-ier, and BAM! Great album for the time. Sense then, they're released "Reise, Reise", which I think is their best. It took what made the last two albums great and with "Amerika" and "Moskau", took the humor and political commentary to a head. "Mein Tell" was just incredible. That album stayed with me longer than I ever imagined it would.

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