Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Keith Olbermann, Today's "Worst Person... In the World!"

First, let me state that from 2004 - 2007, I always considered Keith Olbermann the last great man in modern journalism, a man who took not only to heart but into action the thoughts and ideals of Edward R. Murow and I highly respect the man, even today for that.

But on last night's episode of Countdown, he went to the same low he often attacks O' Reilly for using, the same sort of attack Fox "Noise" uses daily.This, Mr. Olbermann, is on the same level as the "terrorist fist bump" that came from your arch rival's station.

According to Keith, the new John McCain ad uses subtle racism and phallic symbols to attack Obama.

I'm not kidding.

Keith Olbermann: It seems like the celebrity ad continues to echo. Bob Herbert of the New York Times was on this network pointing out something that I don’t know that anybody noticed before this morning. Not only in that McCain ad were there two underdressed blondes mixed with the black guy in that ad, but there were also: The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Washington Monument, and the Victory Column in Berlin; as Bob Herbert put it, phallic symbols. Three phallic symbols, two blondes, and Barack Obama. So this is not just a sexist ad anymore, this is what they used to mysogenation, isn’t it? This is what they used against Harold Ford.

Jonathan Alter: That’s the oldest and deepest canard in American history, that this slave is gonna come after the wife of the plantation owner. I can’t dissect and decode these ads that way. I didn’t read that out of those ads but I can see how some people would… There is one thing that is clear which is they are trying to portray him as “Uppity”. Now is that racist? I’m not sure.

Keith Olbermann: If we’re playing password and you say “Uppity”, the word that comes into my mind, that’s racist, yes.


I honestly wish I was joking and that this was, in fact, a joke. I love Keith Olbermann and I honestly am a fan. Even though I don't always agree with him and his coverage (while always anti-Bush, this seemingly non-stop praise of Obama and the obvious preference of the Democrats is just as bad as Rush Limbaugh at times in it's actions) , that was the first time I had to simply change the channel because something he said was just so... stupid! And to even DEFEND the comment?

No, dear sir, no.

I can honestly say this was one of the hardest things I've written in a long time and, frankly, I feel I have to. This man is getting just as bad as the people he wants to fight, and I'm writing all of these with only one simple hope; that more people who love(d) his show will point this out, Keith will get the idea, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, realize his turn and start to go back to being a fairly independent thinker.

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