Tuesday, August 26, 2008

YOUR WEBSITE SUCKS!!! - Quickie Comment on the Post

I forgot to mention this: I am, by no means, saying I'm perfect or even close. I'm not. Right now, the site you see at Larry West Productions breaks a few rules of good web design. For starters, I have a splash page.... well, really that's the only problem. That, and I have all my images opening in a new window since I don't have Lightbox installed on it.

I'm going to have another post soon where I clean up a lot of what I just said and basically have a much more coherent article where I talk more about cleaning it all up and making web sites cool again. Trust me, I've got a ton to write about and no time since, well, I'm rebuilding my current site.

So please, take what I wrote for what it is; a really pissed off artist who has a really small vocabulary.

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