Tuesday, August 5, 2008

South Park beats the Simpsons for Once

I had a hard time coming up with a title for this one because, really, it's not that important to me. South Park famously had an episode called "Simpsons Already Did It" where Matt Stone & Trey Parker, the shows creators, basically admitted that, yes, The Simpsons have done every possible thing before them.

But not in... well, 2 areas.

The first is release a movie. South Park made it's leap to the big screen in 1999 and The Simpsons only reached that goal in 2007.

Now, a little more importantly, South Park will release it's 11th Season before The Simpsons, a full 3 months ahead. What makes this a little more noteworthy, and a little more sad, is the fact that Simpsons DVD's have been coming out longer than South Park ones. Both series have basically gone down to one season annually, which is nothing short of amazing for The Simpsons given that we're about to enter Season 20.

So that's it... pointless post and all.

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